Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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219 lines
* (vdilib.s & aeslib.s must be included at the end of the program)
* @createwindow
* Creates a simple gem window. It also initialises the application.
* The size (xwidth,ywidth) is the workarea of the window.
* In wtype equ %info move full close name
* xstart,ystart,xwidth,ywidth,windowname(string terminated by 0)
* Out w_handle,ap_id,screenxmax,screenymax
* (destroys a lot)
* @recalcwindow
* Recalculates the window size.
* (destroys a lot)
* @moveit
* Moves the window. May be called at every vm_moved(=28) event.
* In a0.l=adr to messagebuffer
* (destroys a lot)
* @drawrsrc
* Draws the rsrc.
* This function draw doesn't care about clipping, so you should probably not use it.
* In a0.l=adr to rsrc
* (destroys a lot)
* @updatersrc
* Draws the rsrc. Use this when receiving update events(=20).
* This function takes care of all clipping.
* In a0.l=adr to rsrc
* (destroys a lot)
* @topwindow
* Activates the window. May be called at every vm_topped(=21) event.
* In a0.l=adr to messagebuffer
* (destroys a lot)
* @bottomwindow
* Bottoms the window if it's mine. May be called at every vm_bottomed(=33) event.
* In a0.l=adr to messagebuffer
* (destroys a lot)
* @resizewindow
* May be called at every resize(=27) event.
* In a0.l=adr. to messagebuffer
* (destroys a lot)
* @button
* Returns the object number that was clicked on. This function may be called
* at every mousebutton event.
* In a0.l=adr. to rsrc
* (It automatically takes the x and y coordinates from int_out)
* Out d0.w=object that was pressed or -1.
* (destroys a lot)
* @loadrsrc
* Loads a resource file and creates a window containg the object in the
* file. You don't have to call @createwindow if you use @loadrsrc.
* In wtype equ %info move full close name
* windowname(string terminated by 0)
* a0.l=address to a nul terminated filename
* Out a0.l=address to the resource data
* (destroys a lot)
include gemmacro.i
move.w d0,ap_id store the application id
move.w d0,current_handle Desktop's VDI handle
* start by opening a virtual workstation
lea intin,a0
moveq #10-1,d0 -1 for DBF
.fill move.w #1,(a0)+ most params are 1
dbf d0,.fill
move.w #2,(a0)+ use RC system
v_opnvwk open it
move.l intout+0,screenxmax store max x and y coordinates
* set the mouse to an arrow
graf_mouse #0 arrow please
wind_calc #0,#wtype,xstart,ystart,xwidth,ywidth
movem.w int_out+2,d0-d3
movem.w d0-d3,xstart
* and create the window
wind_create #wtype,xstart,ystart,xwidth,ywidth
move.w d0,w_handle save the handle (error checks?)
* now set its title
move.l #windowname,int_in+4
wind_set w_handle,#2 title string
* now actually show it by opening
movem.w xstart,d0-d3
wind_open w_handle,d0,d1,d2,d3
bsr @recalcwindow
* calculate the work area of the window
wind_get w_handle,#4 get work area
movem.w int_out+2,d0-d3
movem.w d0-d3,xstart
@resizewindow move 6(a0),d0
cmp w_handle,d0
bne .ut
move.l 8(a0),int_in+4
move.l 12(a0),int_in+8
wind_set w_handle,#5
bsr @recalcwindow
.ut rts
move.w 6(a0),d0
cmp.w w_handle,d0
bne .ut not my window!
move.w 8(a0),int_in+4 new x pos
move.w 10(a0),int_in+6 new y pos
move.w 12(a0),int_in+8 width
move.w 14(a0),int_in+10 heigth
wind_set w_handle,#5
bsr @recalcwindow
.ut rts
@drawrsrc move xstart,16(a0)
move ystart,18(a0)
objc_draw a0,#0,#10,xstart,ystart,xwidth,ywidth
@button move xstart,16(a0)
move ystart,18(a0)
objc_find a0,#0,#10,int_out+2,int_out+4
move int_out,d0
@updatersrc move xstart,16(a0)
move ystart,18(a0)
move.l a0,a6
wind_update #1
wind_get w_handle,#11
tst.w int_out+6
bne .next
tst.w int_out+8
beq .out
.next objc_draw a6,#0,#10,int_out+2,int_out+4,int_out+6,int_out+8
wind_get w_handle,#12
tst.w int_out+6
bne .next
tst.w int_out+8
bne .next
.out wind_update #0
move.w 6(a0),d0
cmp.w w_handle,d0
bne .ut not my window!
wind_set w_handle,#10
.ut rts
move.w 6(a0),d0
cmp.w w_handle,d0
bne .ut not my window!
wind_set w_handle,#25
.ut rts
@exitwindow wind_close w_handle
wind_delete w_handle
@loadrsrc rsrc_load a0 load & fix resource
rsrc_gaddr #0,#0 get adr.
move.l addr_out,a0
move.l a0,-(sp)
cmp #32,18(a0)
bge .yok
move #32,18(a0)
.yok move.l 16(a0),xstart window start position
move.l 20(a0),xwidth window size
bsr @createwindow
move.l (sp)+,a0
* these have to remain together
screenxmax ds.w 1
screenymax ds.w 1
xstart ds.w 1
ystart ds.w 1
xwidth ds.w 1
ywidth ds.w 1
w_handle ds.w 1
ws_handle ds.w 1
ap_id ds.w 1